Transformation Tuesday: Clean Up Magic One Leaf at a Time!
We're showcasing the incredible before and after of a complete fall cleanup. Not only does it keep your yard healthy and tidy, but it...

Question of the Week: Planting Creeping Junipers - Tips for Success!
Q: Hey there! I've got some bare spots in my yard covered with creeping juniper. Any advice on the best time to plant junipers and how to...

Question of the Week: Out of Control Juniper Hedges
Q: My juniper hedges have become out of control. I want them cut in half. Will they look bad if I chop them? A: Chopping large amounts of...

Transformation Tuesday: Mud to Masterpiece
Check out this amazing makeover featuring a simple yet effective addition: gravel! Our recent project showcased how a little gravel can...

Question of the Week: Deterring Snakes
Q: Is there any way to deter snakes from my property? A: Different types of repellents can help deter snakes from hanging out on your...

Plant of the Week: Firethorns
Firethorns Pyracantha Zone 5 - 8 Hardy evergreen to semi-evergreen prized for its bright orange berries that persist into winter. A...

Question of the Week: Broken Branches
Q: The wind snapped a branch on my tree - is it going to die? A; It depends on how much of the branch actually broke. We have seen Pinion...

Plant of the Week: Hillside Creeper Scotch Pine
Hillside Creeper Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris Zone 3-7 Plant full sun or part shade. A nice ground cover that spreads out and forms flat...

Winter Watering Wisdom: Keeping Your Plants Thriving Through the Chill
In this month's blog, we'll cover the basics of winter watering. While watering during winter might not be top of mind, it's crucial to...