Plant of the Week 03/05/2021
Vanderwolf Pine Pinus Flexis Zone 4-7 This tree's unique growth pattern and pine texture set it apart from every other pine tree. As it...
Plant of the Week 02/26/2021
Muscari Zone 4-9 Thin, tubular foliage (think dandelion stems) emerges in early spring followed by small grape-like clusters of...
Plant of the Week 01/01/2020
European Pasqueflower Pulsatilla Vilgaris Zone 4-8 Tall, fuzzy stems rise above dense, green foliage to present a perfect backdrop for...
Plant of the Week 12/18/2020
Western Catalpa Catalpa Speciosa Hardy to zone 4 Possibly one of the most beautiful shade trees that can be grown in Santa Fe, the...
Plant of the Week: 12/11/2020
Blue-leaf Hildago Sotol Dasylirion Glaucophyllum Zone 7-10 One of the largest sotols, this cactus can reach 4' tall and 7' wide! Powder...
Plant of the Week 12/04/2020
Narrow Leaf Buckthorn Rhamnus frangula 'Asplenifolia' Zone 2-8 Long, wispy leaves, similar to a willow but thinner. Cover this unique...
Plant of the Week 11/27/2020
Canada Red Chokecherry Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' Zone 2-7 The purplish-red foliage stands out during the spring and summer months....
Plant of the Week 11/20/2020
Herman's Pride Lamiastrum Galeobdolon Zone 4-8 Silver and green patterned leaves provide a stunning contrast to the bright yellow flowers...
Plant of the Week 11/13/2020
Partridge Feather Tanacetum Zone 4-9 Beautiful bluish gray groundcover with unique fern-like foliage makes this evergreen a great...
Plant of the Week 11/06/2020
Cliff Fendlerbush Fendlera rupicola Zone 4-7 Beautiful white, four petal flowers are scattered throughout this bush in spring. Small,...