Plant of the Week 09/20/19
Jackman Clematis - Clematis Jackmanii Zone 4-9 Stunning deep purple flowers appear from summer to early fall on this beautiful climbing...
Plant of the Week 09/13/19
Rose of Sharon Hibiscus Syriacus Zone 5-9 Dense, green foliage gives way to beautiful, bi-colored flowers that bloom all summer long....
Plant of the Week 09/06/19
Desert Sweet Fernbush Chamaebatiaria millefolium Zone 4-9 Clusters of white, fragrant flowers cover this beautiful native shrub from...
Plant of the Week 08/30/2019
Hollyhock Alcea rosea 'Nigra' Zone 3-8 Blackish-purple flowers cover the tall stalks on this summertime stunner. Large green leaves...
Plant of the Week 08/23/2019
Northwind Switch Grass Panicum virgatum Zone 4-9 Petite, airy seed heads rise above the blue green grass blades on this great looking...
Plant of the Week 08/16/2019
Lena Scotch Broom Cytisus x 'Lena' Zone 6-9 Beautiful yellow and red pea like blooms cover the slim, green stems of the stunning...
Plant of the Week 08/09/2019
Strawberry clover Zone 3-9 Beautiful strawberry-shaped flowers explode against slightly variegated green leaves to create this unique...
Plant of the Week 08/02/2019
Terra Cotta Yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Terra Cotta' Zone 3-9 Greenish-blue fern shaped leaves create a beautiful backdrop to the...
Plant of the Week 07/26/2019
Helmond Pillar Barberry Berberis thunbergii Zone 4-8 Maroon colored leaves cover the spiked branches of this unique columnar perennial....
Plant of the Week 07/19/2019
Black Bamboo Phyllostachys nigra - Zone 5-11 Add a little Zen to your garden! Black bamboo is a great variety of bamboo that can handle...