Question of the Week 01/05/2019
Q: Do you guys do debris removal? I have a big pile of branches and cactus that I need to be hauled away. A: We do not schedule one-time...
Question of the Week 12/29/2018
Q: Is it ok to plant in the winter? A: It may be surprising to some but it is fine to plant in the winter as long as you can get through...
Question of the Week 12/22/2018
Q: What kind of landscaping can be done during the winter? A: Winter is a great time to do hardscaping (i.e. gravel, moss rock borders,...
Question of the Week 12/15/2018
Q I would like my trees trimmed now in the winter - is this something you guys do? A: It depends on the size of the tree. If it is a...
Question of the Week 12/08/2018
Question of the week: What plants should not be pruned in the fall? Forsythia and lilac bushes are some of the more common plants that...
Question of the Week 12/1/2018
Q: I need someone to do snow removal from my sidewalks whenever it snows more than 1". Is this something Desert Rose does? A: No, we do...
Question of the Week 11/24/2018
Q: Why do I need a year-round contract for maintenance? I feel like there is no need for service in the winter. A: This is an...
Question of the Week 11/17/2018
Q: Why haven't my ornamental grasses been cut back yet? A: In the winter, your yard can look bare with most of the plants cut back. We...
Questions of the Week 11/10/2018
Q: Are there any tips for fall/winter watering? A: Watering in the fall and winter can be a lot different than watering in summer. The...
Question of the Week 11/03/2018
Q: Now that it is fall, when is a good time to prune bushes and tree branches? A: It depends on what kind of bush you are looking at...