Question of the Week: Overspray with Grass Sprayers
Q: My grass sprayers are shooting water onto my patio. What is going on with them, do they need to be adjusted? A: No matter how...
Plant of the Week: Rubra
Pink pussytoes Antennaria dioica 'Rubra' Fuzzy pink flower clusters stand tall on matted vegetation to make this hardy perennial really...
Transformation Tuesday: Mud-Free Sidewalk Solution: Transforming a Muddy Access Area into a Stunning
This area served as side access to both the front and back yards. The client's primary concern was the constant problem of mud...
Question of the Week: Blooming Agave!
Q: My agave started blooming this week. Someone told me that it will die after the bloom. Is this true? A: Yes, the agave will die after...
Plant of the Week: Panchito Manzanita
Panchito ™ Manzanita Zone 4-8 Arctostaphylos x coloradensis 'Panchito' Slightly resembling a desert at 4 o'clock, this evergreen stands...
Question of the Week: How to water heavy vegetation areas
Q: Is it better to use micro sprayers or driplines for heavily vegetated areas? A: The suitability of micro sprayers will largely depend...
Plant of the Week: Basket of Gold
Basket of Gold Alyssum montanum Zone 4-8 Bright yellow blooms cover this plant in mid-spring. Looks great near hardscaping and walkways....
Illuminate Your Outdoor Space: Exploring the Beauty and Benefits of Landscape Lighting
In this month's blog, we will discuss the benefits and types of landscape lighting. Landscape lighting not only enhances the appearance...
Question of the Week: Planting Blubs
Q: Is it too late to plant bulbs that will come up in spring? A: Ideally you want to have bulbs in the ground prior to the first...
Plant of the Week: Pearly Everlasting
Pearly Everlasting Anaphalis margaritacea Zone 4-9 Fuzzy gray-green foliage provides a beautiful backdrop for the clusters of petite,...