Question of the Week: Ground Cover Options
Q: What are some good groundcover plants for our garden? A: Some of our favorites include Vinca, Hardy Plumbago, Wooly and regular Thyme,...

Plant of the Week: Walker
Walker Siberian Peashrub Caragana arborescens 'Walker' Zone 3-8 Small green foliage covers weeping stems to create this unique-looking...

Transformation Tuesday: Hand Chiseling Flagstone
For this week’s Transformation Tuesday, we went back with a client who had another area in their courtyard that they wanted to be...

Question of the Week: Winter Protection
Q: What should we be doing to protect our outdoor plants during the winter months? A: The first and most important thing is to make sure...

Plant of the Week: Pam's Pink Honeysuckle
Pam's Pink Honeysuckle Lonicera x Americana Zone 7-10 If you like Honeysuckle, you will want to take a look at this one! Pam's Pink...

Transformation Tuesday: The Road Less Travled
This courtyard had plenty of grass but didn’t have a defined walkway from the front gate to the porch causing issues when it rained often...

Question of the Week: Custom Coyote Fence
Q: I want to put up a coyote fence, but I have a tree where I want the fence to go through, but I don’t want to cut the tree branches. ...

Plant of the Week: Compacta
Compact Carolina Cherry Laurel Prunus caroliniana 'Compacta" Zone 8-10 Vibrant green foliage smells similar to maraschino cherries....

Transformation Tuesday: All About The Moss Rock
This particular courtyard was overgrown with weeds and wild vegetation. The client had a few volunteer Junipers that were growing along...

Working With A Landscaping Company?
Happy New Year from Desert Rose! Our first blog of the year is going to review how to make the process of working with a landscape...