Question of the Week 01/16/2021
Q: Can I turn my irrigation system back on during the winter to water? A: Can you? Technically yes. Should you? No. There are many things...
Plant of the Week 01/15/2021
Crocus Zone 3-8 Crocus is a large group of similar flowers that come in many colors! These colors include purple, pink, yellow, red, and...
Simpler Is Not Always Better: Pop Up Sprayers
Happy New Year from Desert Rose! We are going to get the year started off by reviewing one of the basic tools to help keep your landscape...
Question of the Week 01/02/2020
Q: My roses are leafing out in the winter! Is this going to cause problems in the spring? A: When we have warm winters or several days of...
Plant of the Week 01/01/2020
European Pasqueflower Pulsatilla Vilgaris Zone 4-8 Tall, fuzzy stems rise above dense, green foliage to present a perfect backdrop for...
Transformation Tuesday 12/29/2020
This Transformation Tuesday takes place in Eldorado and like most homes in Eldorado, our client had an open backyard. The house had...
Question of the Week 12/26/2020
Q: My Spanish Broom seems like it is turning brown now in the winter. Is this normal or is my plant dying? A: Spanish Brooms are very...
Transformation Tuesday 12/22/2020
Today, we have a before and after ONE season after planting. Seen here are Karl Foerster, Potentilla, Powis Castle, creeping germander,...
Question of the Week 12/19/2020
Q: What is the best material to use for a retaining wall? A: It depends on what you are trying to accomplish and what look you want. Moss...
Plant of the Week 12/18/2020
Western Catalpa Catalpa Speciosa Hardy to zone 4 Possibly one of the most beautiful shade trees that can be grown in Santa Fe, the...