Question of the Week 11/15/2020
Q: I want a large character stone installed in my backyard. Is this something you guys do? A: When it comes to character stones, we only...
Plant of the Week 11/13/2020
Partridge Feather Tanacetum Zone 4-9 Beautiful bluish gray groundcover with unique fern-like foliage makes this evergreen a great...
Transformation Tuesday 11/10/2020
BRRRRRRRR! We hope you are warm and safe on this cold Tuesday! Pining for some warmer weather and moisture!! Happy Tuesday!
Question of the Week 11/07/2020
Q: What is the difference between Mini-paws and Pop-up sprinklers? I'm not sure which one to use. A: Mini-paws are a downsized version...
Plant of the Week 11/06/2020
Cliff Fendlerbush Fendlera rupicola Zone 4-7 Beautiful white, four petal flowers are scattered throughout this bush in spring. Small,...
Featuring Flagstones
Happy November from Desert Rose! In this month's blog, we are review all things flagstone. Flagstone comes in all sorts of different...
Transformation Tuesday 11/03/2020
We hope today's transformation brings you a little serenity on this wild weekday. We were pretty awed that this awesome growth only took...
Question of the Week 10/31/2020
Q: My backflow preventer is leaking out of the side bolts. Do I need to replace it? A: We will need to send an irrigation tech to assess...
Plant of the Week 10/30/2020
Viking Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking' Zone 3-9 This shrub shines with tons of white flowers in the spring. Glossy, green...
Question of the Week 10/24/2020
Q: I need to run an irrigation line underneath a sidewalk. How do I do this? A: This is never fun or easy to do. There is proper...