Plant of the Week 10/09/2020
Chocolate Chip Carpet Bugle Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' Zone 4-9 Low growing groundcover that when planted with proper spacing will...

Question of the Week 10/03/2020
Cooler temperatures out there. Stay warm everyone! Q: Can I damage my plants that are close to the sidewalk by using ice melt? A:...

Plant of the Week 10/02/2020
Royal Candles Speedwell Veronica spicata 'Glory' Zone 4-9 Long, blue 'candlestick' shaped flowers top bright green vegetation. With an...

Fences Here, Fences There!
Happy October from Desert Rose! In this month's blog, we are going to tackle the very large subject of fences. Fences can be used for a...

Transformation Tuesday 09/29/2020
Today we check out a backyard that had stacked moss rock flowerbeds full of weeds & grass as well as a raised flowerbed framed with...

Question of the Week 12/26/2020
Q: What happens if I don’t cut my plants back in the winter? A: If plants aren't cut back in winter or early spring, it can provide bugs...

Plant of the Week 12/25/2020
Blue Spruce Stonecrop Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' Zone 3-11 Blue, succulent vegetation that resembles spruce branches add unique color...

Question of the Week 11/12/2020
Q: Do I need an air compressor to blow out my irrigation system? A: It depends on what kind of tubing was used when your irrigation was...

Plant of the Week 11/11/2020
Donkeytail Euphorbia myrsinites Zone 4-8 Also known as Myrtle Spurge, this grey-green succulent is either seen as a nuisance or prized...

Building A Raised Flowerbed
Happy September from Desert Rose! In this month's blog we are going to go over the process of building a raised flowerbed against an...