Plant of the Week 12/25/2020
Blue Spruce Stonecrop Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' Zone 3-11 Blue, succulent vegetation that resembles spruce branches add unique color...
Question of the Week 11/12/2020
Q: Do I need an air compressor to blow out my irrigation system? A: It depends on what kind of tubing was used when your irrigation was...
Plant of the Week 11/11/2020
Donkeytail Euphorbia myrsinites Zone 4-8 Also known as Myrtle Spurge, this grey-green succulent is either seen as a nuisance or prized...
Building A Raised Flowerbed
Happy September from Desert Rose! In this month's blog we are going to go over the process of building a raised flowerbed against an...
Question of the Week 09/05/2020
Q: How thick of a layer of mulch should I apply? A: It depends on which kind of mulch you are going to use, but overall 2-4" is...
Plant of the Week 09/04/2020
Blue Glitter Sea Holly Eryngium planum 'Blue Glitter' Zone 4-9 With a flower that slightly resembles a strawberry that has spikey leaves...
Weekly Tip! 09/01/2020
By far, the biggest benefit to hand watering is the very low up-front cost. There are no parts to buy, no failing components to worry...
Question of the Week 08/29/2020
Q: Should I dethatch my lawn every year? A: It depends on how thick the thatch is. Thatch is a layer of both living and dead grass and...
Plant of the Week 08/28/2020
Blue Glow Echinops Echinops bannaticus Blue Glow Zones 3-8 Round, spikey purple flowers add beautiful color and texture against the deep...
Transformation Tuesday 08/25/2020
Our client had a raised flowerbed that was made out of treated timber that was old and weather-worn, not to mention falling over. The...