Weekly Tip 05/05/2020
Just like every other industry, businesses involved in landscaping have their own jargon related to everything from appearance of shrubs...

An In-Depth Look At A Transformation Tuesday Part II of III
Happy May from Desert Rose! This month's blog is part two of a three part series all about a substantial landscaping improvement project...
Question of the Week 05/02/2020
Q: I have notice my Euonymus is turning yellow and there are white little specks on the leaves. What is it and what do I do? A: What you...

Plant of the Week 05/01/2020
Northern Sea Oats Chasmanthium latifolium Zone 4-9 Long, green blades of grass cover stems that slightly resemble miniature bamboo. In...
Question of the Week 04/25/2020
Q: I live in Eldorado and have a little more than an acre that I would like mowed to help reduce fire danger. Is this something you guys...

Plant of the Week 04/24/2020
Purity Candytuft Iberis sempervirens 'Purity' Zone 5-9 Mats of dark green foliage explode with petite, pure white flowers during the...

Weekly Tip 04/21/2020
Here are two reasons why it is important to hire a licensed contractor: 1. Basic Protection Obtaining a license in a specific field...
Question of the Week 04/18/2020
Q: I have a Blue Mist Spirea that I have had for over 15 years by my back porch. It isn't looking as good as it used to. Does it just...

Plant of the Week 04/17/2020
Plant of the Week: Bee-Youâ„¢ Bee Balm Monarda Zone 5-9 Pinkish-purple blooms appear in the summer, with some flowers growing out of...

Weekly Tip 04/14/2020
So, what ARE the main differences? The biggest difference between licensed and non-licensed contractors is the risk you personally take...