Question of the Week 01/25/2020
Q: How do you know which plants to cut back and how far to cut them back? A: Mostly from experience, but in general woody (blue mist...
Plant of the Week 01/24/2020
Yerba Mansa - Anemopsis californica Zone 4-7 With leaves that resemble thick spinach, this plant has been used as a medicine by the...
Transformation Tuesday 01/21/2020
Brrr! Hope everyone is staying dry and warm out there! This week, we tackle a tough transformation. It may look like a simple landscape,...
Question of the Week 01/18/2020
Q: I have something growing in my juniper tree that looks greenish brown. What is it? Will it kill my tree? A: It is called Juniper...
Plant of the Week 01/17/2020
Mojave Sage - Salvia pachyphylia Zone 5-8 This California native plant thrives in New Mexico and is a great addition to any garden...
Transformation Tuesday 01/14/2020
Good morning Santa Fe! Here's your weekly Transformation Tuesday: This week, we wanted to showcase what kind of vegetation growth can...
Question of the Week 01/11/2020
Q: I have a very large chamisa that I want to keep but it blocks my view of the road when I am backing out of my driveway. How far down...
Plant of the Week 01/10/2020
Snow in summer - Cerastium tomentosum Zone 3-7 Silver blue foliage provides a nice backdrop for the white flowers that blanket this...
Transformation Tuesday 01/07/2020
This transformation Tuesday is a big one! Our client had inherited a house and was not fond of the landscaping. The plants weren't doing...
How To Create A Low Allergy Garden
Happy 2020 from Desert Rose! We wish everyone a wonderful New Year and a warm and cozy January! While it may seem strange to be talking...