Question of the Week 02/08/2020
Q: I have an overgrown Mt. Mahogany that I want cut back. It is approximately 16 feet tall and I want it cut to about 6 feet since it...

Plant of the Week 02/07/2020
Deep Blue Clips Bellflower Campanula carpatica 'Deep Blue Clips' Zone 4-9 Beautiful, upside-down bell shaped flowers cover this low...

Weekly Tip! 02/04/2020
We are introducing a new concept of providing tips in conjunction of our usual Transformation Tuesdays! Please let us know in the...
Question of the Week 02/01/2020
Q: What are the pros and cons of using a color dyed bark vs natural bark? A: Natural bark (in particular shredded red cedar) has some...

Plant of the Week 01/31/2020
Lupine - Lupinus Zone 5-8 Slightly resembling ears of corn, these flowers are truly stunning to look at. The flower is made up of lots...

Transformation Tuesday 01/28/2020
Is everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather in Santa Fe right now? This front courtyard had previously been landscaped quite a long...
Question of the Week 01/25/2020
Q: How do you know which plants to cut back and how far to cut them back? A: Mostly from experience, but in general woody (blue mist...

Plant of the Week 01/24/2020
Yerba Mansa - Anemopsis californica Zone 4-7 With leaves that resemble thick spinach, this plant has been used as a medicine by the...

Transformation Tuesday 01/21/2020
Brrr! Hope everyone is staying dry and warm out there! This week, we tackle a tough transformation. It may look like a simple landscape,...

Question of the Week 01/18/2020
Q: I have something growing in my juniper tree that looks greenish brown. What is it? Will it kill my tree? A: It is called Juniper...