Transformation Tuesday 11/22/2019
Mock Orange - Philadelphus x virginalis Zone 4-7 Mock orange is a beautiful spring-blooming plant that will not only make your yard look...
Transformation Tuesday 11/19/2019
Last week was so warm and beautiful that we decided to post another 2 season difference in the growth of this planting project!
Question of the Week 11/16/2019
Q: I have a tall butterfly bush that gives me privacy and I don’t want it cut back for the winter. Will the plant still grow ok next...
Plant of the Week 11/15/2019
Fourwing sage - Atriplex canescens Zone 4-8 Grayish-green foliage covers heavy random branching to create an unkempt, but beautiful...
Transformation Tuesday 11/12/2019
This transformation Tuesday is phase one of a two phase project. The second phase will be completed in spring 2020. For the first phase...
Question of the Week 11/09/2019
Q: Why do the leaves change colors in the fall? A: To keep it simple, the green we see on leaves is the chlorophyll (think solar panels)...
Plant of the Week 11/08/2019
Witch Hazel - Hamamelis x intermedia Zone 5-8 During summer months, witch hazel may look like a normal plant but it will have you under...
Transformation Tuesday 11/05/2019
We wanted to change it up a bit and show how with a little TLC and 12 months, a before and after picture of what one season can do for...
Question of the Week 11/02/2019
Q: What will happen if I leave my irrigation system on year-round? A: It is VERY important to make sure your irrigation is shut down and...
Plant of the Week 11/01/2019
Winterfat - Krascheninnikovia lanata Zone 3-8 With foliage that resembles lavender, this shrub is just an average looking native...