Question of the Week 06/22/2019
Q: I was looking at my aspen trees and noticed large webbing on a few branches. What is that and what do I do? A: Tent caterpillars are...
Plant of the Week 06/21/2019
Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst' - Zone 4-8 Blue-green foliage gives a beautiful backdrop for the vibrant yellow flowers of this compact...
Top Rated Local Award
We are successful because of our hard-working team, our dedication to high-quality customer service, and our wonderful clients who share...
Transformation Tuesday 06/18/2019
Our clients had two simple requests: vines growing above the wall for privacy and flagstone steps to connect the front yard and the...
Question of the Week 06/15/2019
Q: I want landscape lighting in my backyard but I don’t know where to start. Do you design and install landscape lighting? A: We sure do!...
Plant of the Week 06/14/2019
Perovskia atriplicfolia - Zone 4-9 Also known as Russian Sage, clusters of wispy lavender-blue flowers cover tall, white stems to create...
Transformation Tuesday 07/11/2019
Our client wanted the same relaxing, welcoming yard as the front but with more plants. We started off with removing the old the flagstone...
Question of the Week 06/08/2019
"Why, you wascally wabbit!" Q: Rabbits keep eating my plants! Is there anything I can do to stop them? A: Rabbits can often be a big...
Chrysanthemum x superbum - Zone 4-9 Large white flowers with a golden center are lifted high above the thick, green foliage to create the...
Transformation Tuesday 06/04/2019
Our client had a flagstone patio that was nice but they wanted a more welcoming, warm, and relaxing environment. We completely removed...