Question of the Week 04/20/2019
A little clarification never hurt! Q: Why do your men ring the doorbell when you get here during your planned maintenance visit? Don’t...
Plant of the Week 04/19/2019
Silver Heart Siberian Bugloss - Brunnera Macrophylla “Silver Heart”: Zone 4-9 A silver 'frost' coats most of the dark green, heart-shaped...
Transformation Tuesday 04/16/2019
In this week's Transformation Tuesday, our client wanted to complete their landscape that had been started several years ago. The client...
Question of the Week 04/13/2019
Q: What is the worm looking things coming out of my aspens buds? A: They are catkins, which is the flower of the aspen tree. The male...
Plant of the Week 04/12/2019
Iris sibirica 'Chilled Wine' - Zone 4-9 Stunning purple and cobalt colored blooms emerge from long thin foliage during the Spring. Plant...
Transformation Tuesday 04/09/2019
Good morning Santa Fe! This week, we take a look at a backyard that was overrun by weeds and dirt. The client we worked with started off...
How To Properly Plant a New Plant!
Happy April from Desert Rose! In this month's blog we are going to review the process of how to properly plant a new plant. Although it...
Question of the Week 04/06/2019
Q: My pinion tree's needles are turning yellow and falling off - it has little small dark dots all over the yellow needles. What do I do?...
Plant of the Week 04/05/2019
Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba - Zone 4-8 Clumps of vibrant yellow flowers with a dark brown center explode above dark green leaves....
Transformation Tuesday 04/02/2019
This week, we take a look at a backyard with a very unique project in mind. Our client wanted a large patio with brick instead of...