Question of the Week 03/30/19
Q: I have a large juniper that is growing into my sidewalk - can you cut it back 2 feet so it is out of the way? A: Thank you for the...
Plant of the Week 03/29/19
Maiden Grass Miscanthus sinesis ‘Gracillimus’ - Zone 4-9 Stalks of feathery reddish-brown seed heads stand tall above the green grass...
Transformation Tuesday 03/26/19
This transformation was a newly built house that had nothing but dirt and weeds for a backyard. The client wanted low maintenance and...
Question of the Week 03/23/19
Q: Do you have to use a blower on the property during your visits? A: We understand how some people can find the use of a blower...
Plant of the Week 03/22/19
Allgold Broom Cytisus x praecox (C.multiflorus x C. purgans) ‘Allgold’ - Zone 6-9 Long green branches with tiny leaves bloom throughout...
Transformation Tuesday 03/19/19
This week, we take a plain old concrete sidewalk and make the entire area look a bit more Santa Fean! Our client was not too thrilled...
Question of the Week 03/16/19
Spring is around the corner! Here's this week's, Question of the week: Q: Can I plant tulips bulbs now in spring? A: Tulips are a...
Plant of the Week 03/15/19
Eastern snowball, Viburnum opulus ‘Sterile” - Zone 3-8 A multitude of snow white flowers shaped like snowballs cover this unique shrub...
Transformation Tuesday 03/12/19
Our client needed something to add a bit more interest as well as break up the flagstone a bit. We decided on this water feature - a...
Question of the Week 03/09/19
Q: What services do I receive with a maintenance contract? A: With a maintenance contract you are receiving a certain amount of man hours...