Transformation Tuesday 01/15/2019
Here's part II or a side view of our last week's showcased project! We hope you have a wonderful Tuesday.
Question of the Week 01/12/2019
Q: Should I turn my rock water feature off during the winter months? A: It depends on how the depth of the water reservoir level. If you...

Plant of the Week 01/11/2019
Francee Plantain Lily (Hosta x 'Francee') Beautiful dark green heart-shaped foliage outlined in white makes this hybrid Hosta stand out...

Transformation Tuesday 01/08/2019
Hopefully, everyone is back into a normal routine! These next two weeks will be a two parts series. Our client wanted a more lush, low...

Fertilizing During the Winter?! Yes!
It is hard to believe that it is 2019 and that we are one month into winter. Here in Santa Fe, we are experiencing more snow and subzero...
Question of the Week 01/05/2019
Q: Do you guys do debris removal? I have a big pile of branches and cactus that I need to be hauled away. A: We do not schedule one-time...

Plant of the Week 01/04/2019
Bowles' Common Periwinkle (vinca minor 'Bowles') - Zone 4-10 If you are looking for a beautiful groundcover to fill in a shaded area,...
Question of the Week 12/29/2018
Q: Is it ok to plant in the winter? A: It may be surprising to some but it is fine to plant in the winter as long as you can get through...

Plant of the Week 12/28/2018
New Mexico Privet (Forestiera neomexicana) - Zone 4-9 The New Mexico Privet is a versatile tree that is a great addition to any yard. The...
Question of the Week 12/22/2018
Q: What kind of landscaping can be done during the winter? A: Winter is a great time to do hardscaping (i.e. gravel, moss rock borders,...