Transformation Tuesday 11/20/2018
Sometimes, a makeover is needed for safety reasons and this week hits the mark! Our client's current makeshift steps in the backyard were...
Question of the Week 11/17/2018
Q: Why haven't my ornamental grasses been cut back yet? A: In the winter, your yard can look bare with most of the plants cut back. We...
Plant of the Week 11/16/2018
Rio Grande Cottonwood (hardy to zone 3) Populus wislizeni Rio Grande Cottonwood is a fast growing shade tree that is known for its...
Transformation Tuesday 11/13/2018
This week's Transformation Tuesday comes from the same home as last week! The backyard was just as overrun with weeds, bushes, and plants...
Questions of the Week 11/10/2018
Q: Are there any tips for fall/winter watering? A: Watering in the fall and winter can be a lot different than watering in summer. The...
Plant of the Week 11/09/2018
Boston Ivy (4-10) - Parthenocissus tricuspidata Unlike English Ivy, Boston Ivy is deciduous, meaning it loses its leaves annually. Great...
Transformation Tuesday 11/06/2018
This week, we take a look at a project that just needed a bit of spit and shine aka a simple cleanup. The property was taken over and...
Challenges and Benefits of an Irrigation System
Over the past two months we have reviewed misconceptions around watering your garden as well as the pros and cons of watering by hand. In...
Question of the Week 11/03/2018
Q: Now that it is fall, when is a good time to prune bushes and tree branches? A: It depends on what kind of bush you are looking at...
Plant of the Week 11/02/2018
Big Tooth Maple (acer grandidentatum) - Plant in partial to full sun in zones 4-7. Breathtaking hues of orange and red paint the fall...