Transformation Tuesday 11/06/2018
This week, we take a look at a project that just needed a bit of spit and shine aka a simple cleanup. The property was taken over and...

Challenges and Benefits of an Irrigation System
Over the past two months we have reviewed misconceptions around watering your garden as well as the pros and cons of watering by hand. In...
Question of the Week 11/03/2018
Q: Now that it is fall, when is a good time to prune bushes and tree branches? A: It depends on what kind of bush you are looking at...

Plant of the Week 11/02/2018
Big Tooth Maple (acer grandidentatum) - Plant in partial to full sun in zones 4-7. Breathtaking hues of orange and red paint the fall...

Transformation Tuesday 10/30/2018
Here's part II of our Transformation Tuesday: What you are looking at is just off the dining room portal. We started off with a flower...
Question of the Week 10/27/2018
Q: How often should I be watering now that my irrigation system is turned off? A: We recommend that you give your plants a good (not...

Plant of the Week 10/26/2018
Autumn Purple Ash (Fraxinus Americana) - Plant in zones 3-9 with moderate water and plenty of sunshine. Beautiful reddish purple leaves...

Transformation Tuesday 10/23/2018
This next Transformation Tuesday will be a 2 part series. This project was a new construction home. To put it bluntly, the front looked...
Question of the Week 10/20/2018
Q: Why are my Aspen trees getting a fungus and what are my treatment options? A: Since we had such a mild winter last year, a lot of...

Plant of the Week 10/19/2018
Plant of the week: Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis) - Zone 3-9 This violet spiked pea-like flower is a deer resistant perennial and...