Phil's Favorite 06/29/2018
New Mexico Primrose (Oenothera berlandieri) Zone 5 A spreading mass of small green leaves covered by large, cup-shaped pink flowers...

Transformation Tuesday 06/26/2018
The final part of our 3 part series for Transformation Tuesday! After removing the old plants in this small courtyard, we leveled the...
Question of the week 06/23/2018
Q: I have a water feature and I think it has a leak - what is the best way to check? A: Easiest way to check is to turn off the pump and...

Phil's Favorite 06/22/2018
Stella De Oro Dwarf daylily (Hemerocallis x “Stella de Oro”) - Zone 3-9 This carefree perennial fits into just about any garden. Blooms...

Transformation Tuesday 06/19/2018
This week, we take a look at Part II of a 3 part series. The concrete steps were chipping away from the years of using ice melt during...
Question of the Week 06/16/2018
Q: I have installed a water softener in my house. I water my plants with water that runs through the water softener. Will this hurt my...

Phil's Favorite 06/15/2018
Sangria Yarrow - Achillea millefolium ‘Sangria’ - Zone 3 18” high 2-3’ wide. Wine red flowers adorn green, finely divided foliage. A...

Transformation Tuesday 06/12/2018
This week, we take a look at a 3 part series. Our clients had a front courtyard that had broken flagstone leading up to the front door...
Question of the Week 06/10/2018
Q: I have a shaded area that gets virtually no sun, what perennials will work? A: Great question! Here are some of my favorites which can...

Phil's Favorite 06/08/2018
Hedgehog Cacti (Echinocereus) Echinocereus, usually a dense small to medium-sized cylindrical cacti, comprising about 70 species native...