Phil's Favorite 02/23/2018
Phil's Favorite: Crimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) Zone 4-8 A dwarf densely branched form displaying deep...

Transformation Tuesday 02/20/2018
Transformation Tuesday: A continuation of last Tuesday's project, addressing drainage and erosion issues. This ENTIRE project used about...
Question of the Week 02/17/2018
With all this warm weather, we are getting lots of questions regarding Spring! Curious about something? Send us your questions. Q: I am...

Phil's Favorite 02/16/2018
Phil’s Favorite: Hicks Yew (Taxus x media 'Hicksii') Zone 4-7 An upright shrub featuring a dense habit and dark green needles that can...

Transformation Tuesday 02/13/2018
Time for Transformation Tuesday! This was a significant wall we built. Our client's driveway was pretty raw. A bit unsightly but also...
Question of the Week 02/10/2018
Question Of The Week: Q: With such a dry winter thus far, I want to get rid of my lawn. It is Kentucky bluegrass. What do you recommend?...

Phil's Favorite 02/09/2018
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) - This is an extremely fragrant shrub with showy flowers in the spring with lavender, white or dark pink...

Transformation Tuesday 02/06/2018
Transformation Tuesday: Sometimes, landscaping is necessary in terms of safety and your long-term pocketbook. This week, we address...

Curb Appeal!
Desert Rose Landscape & Maintenance works frequently with realtors and individuals selling their homes. We provide a wide range of...
Question of the Week 02/03/2018
Question Of The Week addresses more of those pesky weeds! Q: Last year I had a lot of weeds and I could not keep up with them. Is there...