Phil's Favorite 02/02/208
Beautiful Phil's Favorite: Pink Flowering Almond Shrub Prunus Trilobal - Zone 3-7. Full sun. A hardy spring-blooming shrub - is a...

Transformation Tuesday 01/30/2018
Our Tuesday Transformation involved taking an open space and keeping it that way, but with some improvements that were easy to maintain....

Thank You For The Love!
Thank you for the feature Su Casa Magazine! Su Casa Northern New Mexico Winter 2018 | Digital Edition
Question Of The Week 01/27/2018
Thank you for the engagement! Keep sending in your curious questions. Q: I have some bare spots in my yard that are covered with creeping...

Phil's Favorite: 01/26/2018
Although spring may not be here yet, it is never to early to start looking at early spring flowers. This week's Phil favorite is...

Transformation Tuesday: 01/23/2018
This week's Transformation Tuesday not only made the client's landscape great to look at but also addressed some potentially serious...
Question Of The Week 01/20/2018
This week's question is a little more technical but we have your answer! Q: I see in so many landscaped pictures the area immediately...

Phil's Favorite: 01/19/2018
A beautiful and bright Phil's Favorite: Pyracantha Zone: 5 - 8 Hardy evergreen to semi-evergreen prized for its bright orange berries...

Transformation Tuesday: 01/16/2018
This week we would like to showcase a different Transformation Tuesday: Maintenance Marvel! Pictured is a rental property that had not...
Question Of The Week 01/13/2018
This great question was emailed to us last week. How fitting as the weather has gotten a bit colder: Q: How often should I water during...