Phil's Favorite: 01/12/2018
Hillside Creeper Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Zone 3-7 - plant full sun or part shade. A nice ground cover that spreads out and forms...

Transformation Tuesday: 01/09/2017
Part 3 of this fun large project for Transformation Tuesday: In addition to the flagstone patios pathways and plantings we did the last 2...
Question Of The Week 01/06/2017
This week's Question Of The Week addresses a common misconception: Q: We had gravel placed in our yard and a weed barrier was also...

Phil's Favorite: 01/05/2017
Laceleaf Staghorn Sumac (Rhus Typhina) Zone 4-8: Plant full sun or partial sun. Great specimen tree. A large, loose, open-spreading shrub...

Transformation Tuesday 01/02/2018
Here is part II of this very large project we worked on for Transformation Tuesday: The area was overgrown with weeds, taking over the...

What To Look For In A Contracter
There are many options available when looking to hire landscaping maintenance services - big chains, local companies, private...

Question Of The Week 12/30/2017
This week's question of the week addresses an often confusing industry term: Q: I received an estimate for a raised flower bed that will...

Phil's Favorite 12/29/2017
Bowles Periwinkle (Vinca Minor) Zone 4-9 - Plant full sun or full shade. Great groundcover in shade. Blooms late spring/early summer a...

Transformation Tuesday 12/26/2017
Back to work with Transformation Tuesday! Typical of most New Mexico homes, this back patio had nothing but dirt, weeds, and shrubs. The...

Phil's Favorite 12/22/2017
Phil's Favorites! Hardy Yellow Iceplant (Delosperma nubigenum) Zone 4-10 Full sun, plant in rock gardens or as ground cover. Low dense...