Phil's Favorite 03/09/18
Phil's Favorite: Dwarf Red-Leaf Sand Cherry (Prunus x cisterna) - Zone 2-8 Light pink flowers in spring with deep purple foliage in the...
Phil's Favorite 03/02/2018
We love this week's Phil Favorite! Blue mist Spirea Caryopteris x clandonensis Zone 4-9 Attractive compact, mounding grower with fragrant...
Phil's Favorite 02/23/2018
Phil's Favorite: Crimson Pygmy Dwarf Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) Zone 4-8 A dwarf densely branched form displaying deep...
Phil's Favorite 02/16/2018
Phil’s Favorite: Hicks Yew (Taxus x media 'Hicksii') Zone 4-7 An upright shrub featuring a dense habit and dark green needles that can...
Phil's Favorite 02/09/2018
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) - This is an extremely fragrant shrub with showy flowers in the spring with lavender, white or dark pink...
Phil's Favorite 02/02/208
Beautiful Phil's Favorite: Pink Flowering Almond Shrub Prunus Trilobal - Zone 3-7. Full sun. A hardy spring-blooming shrub - is a...
Phil's Favorite: 01/26/2018
Although spring may not be here yet, it is never to early to start looking at early spring flowers. This week's Phil favorite is...
Phil's Favorite: 01/19/2018
A beautiful and bright Phil's Favorite: Pyracantha Zone: 5 - 8 Hardy evergreen to semi-evergreen prized for its bright orange berries...
Phil's Favorite: 01/12/2018
Hillside Creeper Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Zone 3-7 - plant full sun or part shade. A nice ground cover that spreads out and forms...
Phil's Favorite: 01/05/2017
Laceleaf Staghorn Sumac (Rhus Typhina) Zone 4-8: Plant full sun or partial sun. Great specimen tree. A large, loose, open-spreading shrub...