Question of the Week 07/11/2020
Q: My leaves are getting holes in them and seem to be getting eaten but I don’t know from what. Is there something I can put on them or...
Question of the Week 06/27/2020
Q: Should I use cow manure to fertilize my plants? A: As long as the cow manure is composted, it can be a good fertilizer. However, we...
Question of the Week 06/20/2020
Q: Why does my backflow preventer keep dripping? A: Your backflow preventer will need periodic maintenance (which is simple to do and can...
Question of the Week 06/13/2020
Q: My fruit trees haven't been producing very well or very large fruits. What is the problem? A: There are many factors that can affect...
Question of the Week 06/06/2020
We've been getting a ton of irrigation questions - we hope this clarifies some of the confusion with these important systems! Q: Why does...
Question of the Week 05/31/2020
Q: I want to start fertilizing my own plants, is there such a thing as over-fertilizing them? A: Yes! Always follow the instructions on...
Question of the Week 05/23/2020
Q: How long should my irrigation system run for? A: Irrigation run times can greatly differ from house to house and even system to system...
Question of the Week 05/16/2020
Q: I want to install an irrigation system at my house. Do I want to have the water source before or after the water softener? A: Most...

Question of the Week 05/09/2020
We have received this particular question quite a lot so we wanted to help and address the issue! Q: I noticed this web on my tree this...
Question of the Week 05/02/2020
Q: I have notice my Euonymus is turning yellow and there are white little specks on the leaves. What is it and what do I do? A: What you...