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Fall & Winter Prep

Cooler temperatures, turning leaves, and waning vegetable gardens all indicate the end of summer and the onset of fall. Many people think that fall is the end of the growing season, but it is an ideal season for planting trees, shrubs and other assorted plants. Milder temperatures and increased moisture ease stress on plants, alleviating both the work for you as a gardener and the plant as it establishes itself in your yard.

The key to happy fall planting is encouraging good root growth. Planting trees and shrubs in September and October enables the root systems to grow instead of focusing their energy on putting out leaves. It is best to plant 6 weeks prior to the ground freezes, as once the soil is frozen, root growth will cease almost entirely until spring.

Another common misperception about post-summer gardens is that plants no longer require watering. It is essential to provide supplemental water when needed, at least once every two weeks during the winter. Hand watering is critical once the first freeze occurs so that hoses and irrigation do not suffer from ice damage. Mulching is also key for fall and winter care, as it acts as a insulation for the plants. Clear snow from around planters, as well as leaves and dead growth pruned at the end of fall. Not only does this help protect your foliage, but it keeps your property tidy, so that you have less housekeeping to do come springtime!

Fall & winter landscaping care can be just as labor intensive as spring and summer planting - leave it to the experts to keep your property in tip top shape! Desert Rose Landscaping can manage the above issues, as well as:

· Checking your property for signs of vandalism/break-in

· Winterizer fertilizer

· Insure hoses are not connected to hose bibs

· Prune shrubs and trees for healthy spring growth

· Remove snow from sidewalks/driveway as well as keep your property in neat and tidy order

Questions about fall and winter landscape needs or services? Contact us today to find out more!

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