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Transformation Tuesday 11/26/2019

This week, we wanted to showcase a newly constructed home with an empty backyard. Our client wanted a flagstone pathway to connect the patio, garage, and gate. He also had a rock water feature he wanted to be installed.

We started by digging a hole the same size as the water basin for the water feature. Once the hole was dug and leveled out; we placed the basin, set the rock and tested the water feature to make sure everything looked perfect for the client.

Next we began cutting the flagstone steps for the pathway and stacked the cut steps to the side. We trenched and ran irrigation to all the areas that would be planted. A selection of Sangria Yarrows, Variegated Iris, Karl Foresters, a low-growing pine and climbing roses for the area around the water feature. Once we finished planting, we connected the irrigation emitters and covered the irrigation trenches.

Weed barrier was laid down, flagstone steps were set and leveled, and spread 3/8" Pueblo Brown gravel was the next step. The final step was to spread the blue river rock around the water feature.

Our client was excited about their new yard and the dogs loved it too!

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