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Plant of the Week 06/25/2021

Plumbago Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Zone 5-9 This groundcover is sure to impress during the spring, summer, and fall! During the spring months, bright green foliage begins to form a beautiful carpet of green, which will soon become a perfect backdrop for the blooms. During the summer months, expect dainty, royal blue flowers to cover the carpet of green. As the blooms fade and we find ourselves in the fall, crimson-red spikes (don’t worry they aren't sharp) are left behind from where the blooms faded away and leave a beautiful contrast of red and green. In late fall as the nights cool, the foliage starts to match the spikes, leaving a sea of crimson-red foliage as ground cover. As the foliage falls off in the early winter months, red stems are all that is left. Feel free to cut these down to ground level. Plant in full sun to part shade, water regularly for best growth. Quickly reaches 12-18"tall, and will spread over time. Plant in groupings spaced 12-18" apart for fast ground cover. Tolerates a wide variety of soil types. Looks great in rock gardens, water gardens, or even next to sidewalks to break up the hardness of the concrete.


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