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Transformation Tuesday: From Stacked Rock Wall to Functional Steps

This Transformation Tuesday showcases a remarkable change that significantly improved the homeowner's experience. Initially, the homeowner had a stacked rock wall with a step stool placed in front of it, enabling access to their firewood storage area. However, even with the step stool, the step remained quite high. Consequently, the client requested our assistance in modifying the wall by incorporating built-in steps to facilitate easier retrieval of firewood.

The transformation commenced by removing the rocks from the designated step area. Subsequently, we proceeded to excavate the soil and shape the steps using three layers of stacked rocks (with one layer positioned below ground level). Additionally, we constructed supporting walls on the sides of the steps. Once the construction was complete, we firmly packed the area and evenly spread sand to ensure a level surface. The next step involved cutting the flagstone and carefully chiseling its edges. We applied landscape adhesive to the rocks and securely positioned the flagstone on top. The client expressed satisfaction with the final appearance and eagerly anticipated utilizing the newly constructed steps.


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