Transformation Tuesday: Time For A Little Change
This beautiful yard started off with beautiful rock work and mature plants!
However, the client wanted a change.
The carpet of juniper didn’t provide the character they wanted for their yard, not to mention it was a place critters such as mice and spiders liked to hide. They wanted their entire yard changed and brought to life with some new plants and some gravel.
The first step in this transformation was to start working on pulling out the ground cover juniper. One of the most efficient ways is to cut the limbs at the base of the plant with loppers and dig up the main root system which is quite labor-intensive. Once the juniper was removed, it was time to trim the chamisas.
People often have a love/hate relationship with chamisas; not only because it can make them sneeze, but because of how large they can get. Although we can't fix the sneezing, cutting back the Chamisa after every growing season allows you to control the size of the plant. The next step was to begin to prep the area for the new plants. We incorporated the Agave, yucca, and added a few additional plants. We laid the weedbarrier, spread the gravel, and this transformation was complete.
The clean look of the yard cannot be overstated as far as how beautiful the yard now looked. The client was thrilled with their yard's new look. Keep an eye out for next week’s Transformation Tuesday to see more of this property and its transformations.